When you purchase your car insurance and you see the policy documents, you immediately presume that you are covered for all possibilities. Think again.
Carefully review each policy document. Passengers over the age of 75 are not included in some insurance policies. There are also those who won't assume liability when your car is stolen due to your ignorance. A small number won't cover damage to your car that's caused in a road rage incident. It is common industry practice not to provide gap insurance, so if your car is written off or stolen, you won't receive the full amount you paid when you bought your car.
Every car insurance policy includes some exclusions. Many of the exclusions would be extremely frustrating if they happened to you, and you then discovered that you're not covered by your insurance firm. Some of them are downright crazy. Enumerated below are five of the most crazy but usual car insurance exclusions. 1. Nuclear Outcome
In cases when a nuclear bomb happened and your car got damaged, this is not covered by your insurance policy. This is not only because the insurance firm will probably have been destroyed in the blast; it's because it's standard practice for motor insurance policies to exclude damage caused by nuclear fallout. The same goes when it involves a local nuclear power plant or any radioactive waste.
2. UFOs Damage in cars due to pressure waves from aircraft travelling is not included in the insurance policy. This includes damage caused by sonic and supersonic UFOs from outer space.
3. Stolen car by envious partner. Car taken without consent by any family member or member of the household is not covered by the insurance policy. It can either by your spouse or partner, your children, your parents or a lodger in your home. The only exception to this rule is if you report your car as stolen to the police, and prosecute the person who took your car in court 4. Quake
Search for the context "acts of God" in your insurance policy documents. 5. Visually Impaired Driver
Unsurprisingly, there is not a single insurance firm who will provide cover for drivers who can't see. Claims for damages caused by blind drivers or who they refer to as "unlicensed drivers" are not covered in most policies. Being unable to get insurance or a licence wasn't enough to stop one blind person from getting behind the steering wheel. How do you all ascertain your best possible cover for your car? Firstly, don't just choose a policy based on price. Research what's covered and what's excluded by each company you're considering. Secondly, if the level of cover you want isn't available from standard car insurance firms, consider taking out extra insurance, such as gap insurance, from a specialist insurer.
Carefully review each policy document. Passengers over the age of 75 are not included in some insurance policies. There are also those who won't assume liability when your car is stolen due to your ignorance. A small number won't cover damage to your car that's caused in a road rage incident. It is common industry practice not to provide gap insurance, so if your car is written off or stolen, you won't receive the full amount you paid when you bought your car.
Every car insurance policy includes some exclusions. Many of the exclusions would be extremely frustrating if they happened to you, and you then discovered that you're not covered by your insurance firm. Some of them are downright crazy. Enumerated below are five of the most crazy but usual car insurance exclusions. 1. Nuclear Outcome
In cases when a nuclear bomb happened and your car got damaged, this is not covered by your insurance policy. This is not only because the insurance firm will probably have been destroyed in the blast; it's because it's standard practice for motor insurance policies to exclude damage caused by nuclear fallout. The same goes when it involves a local nuclear power plant or any radioactive waste.
2. UFOs Damage in cars due to pressure waves from aircraft travelling is not included in the insurance policy. This includes damage caused by sonic and supersonic UFOs from outer space.
3. Stolen car by envious partner. Car taken without consent by any family member or member of the household is not covered by the insurance policy. It can either by your spouse or partner, your children, your parents or a lodger in your home. The only exception to this rule is if you report your car as stolen to the police, and prosecute the person who took your car in court 4. Quake
Search for the context "acts of God" in your insurance policy documents. 5. Visually Impaired Driver
Unsurprisingly, there is not a single insurance firm who will provide cover for drivers who can't see. Claims for damages caused by blind drivers or who they refer to as "unlicensed drivers" are not covered in most policies. Being unable to get insurance or a licence wasn't enough to stop one blind person from getting behind the steering wheel. How do you all ascertain your best possible cover for your car? Firstly, don't just choose a policy based on price. Research what's covered and what's excluded by each company you're considering. Secondly, if the level of cover you want isn't available from standard car insurance firms, consider taking out extra insurance, such as gap insurance, from a specialist insurer.